Organic Honey May Not Be So Organic

Glyphosates, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s toxic herbicide, Roundup, is showing up in organic honeys.

Researchers from Boston University and Abraxis LLC tested an assortment of food items in Philadelphia grocery stores. A total of 80 different honeys were tested, 11 of which were organic.  Significant amounts of glyphosates were found in 62% of the conventional honeys, and 45% of organic honeys.

How Glyphosates Get Into Organic Honeys

Contamination was bound to happen as more and more herbicides are used on crops.  It is impossible to keep bees within a specified area.  A single honeybee can fly over 6 miles to find nectar and bring back a total of 250 lbs of nectar a year. Whatever is in the nectar they retrieve (pesticides, herbicides and other toxins), will end up back at the hive.

A survey of pesticide residues in beehives found that over 98% of them contained at least one pesticide,

Dangers of Glyphosates

Glyphosates are found in hundreds of food products. They are very harmful to the human body as well as the environment.  In the human body, glyphosates sink into human organs, impairing them, and creating a toxic environment for the body.  Chronic exposure to glyphosates can cause many health problems including kidney malfunction, headaches, elevated blood pressure, digestive issues and possibly certain types of cancer. Glyphosates destroy our beneficial gut flora which then destroysour immune system.  Glyphosates are often mixed with other chemical agents which also toxic to our bodies.

In nature, glyphosates destroy the nutritional value of plants. They are also destructive on insects, fish, birds and beneficial microorganisms found in the soil.  In animal studies with rats, goats and chickens, glyphosates were found to accumulate in the bones.

Honey Without Herbicides

So what do we do now?  How in the world do we make sure our honey does not contain toxic pesticides and herbicides?  Unfortunately, there is no solution to this problem as long as evil companies like Monsanto and Dow Chemicals continue to spread their poisons on our crops. There many be some countries that do not allow the use of herbicides that honey could be purchased from, but that would take some research. There may also be small honey farms around the country that are not close to fields where herbicides and pesticides are grown. If you are a honey lover, take the time to find a good source.

To your Health!

Peter Gillham

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