• Garlic Could Save Your Life

    Garlic has been used medicinally for thousands of years.  Numerous studies have been done validating its healing properties. It was one of man’s early natural antibiotic remedies.  Garlic is known to help, or prevent, dozens of diseases. Cardiovascular Health Benefits – Garlic has blood thinning properties which gives the body protection against clotting. It can reduce blood pressure and stop plaque build-up. Immune System – Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral  and antiparasitic properties.  It is also a powerful antioxidant. Garlic’s antibiotic properties are so potent that it can even destroy bugs that are antibiotic resistant. Cancer Prevention – Garlic...
  • Why Take B Vitamins?

    Sometimes we forget why we should focus on certain foods, or take supplements.  The B Complex vitamins are so important that many processes in your body would literally shut down without them. The B vitamins are needed for energy production, enzymatic activity, metabolism of fat, protein and carbohydrates, nervous system, healthy hair, skin and nails and much more.  In fact, the list is almost endless! Below is a list of all 8 B vitamins, a brief commentary on what they do, and plant food sources for each one. Thiamine (B-1) Good for:  energy production, cardiovascular support, brain...
  • 11% of Americans on Antidepressants

    According to the US National Institute of Mental Health, 11% of Americans over the age of 12 are on antidepressant drugs.  Among women in their 40’s and 50’s, the statistic is 1 in 4.  Millions of Americans are walking around in a mind-altering state. Natural Causes of Depression There are so many conditions in the body that can cause depression and yet doctors think nothing about prescribing antidepressants if a patient complains about anxiety or depression.  A hormonal imbalance, low blood sugar, vitamin D deficiency and even sugar can cause severe depression. Sugar Ah so sweet, and...
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