• Chemtrails – Poison From the Sky

    Geo Engineering – Poisoning Humanity If you are reading this blog, you are probably already aware of chemtrails. Though the government is not coming out and publicly admitting to their existence, neither are they denying them. After all, the government is the one doing the spraying. Thanks to communication technology like the internet, it is very difficult to keep a secret nowadays. See the video link at the bottom from UN Leader confirming their existence and expressing her concerns. Earlier this year a very brave young woman from the military came forward as a whistle blower. Kristen...
  • Deadly Herbicide Pending Approval

    Dow’s Bigger and Better Herbicide Thanks to Monsanto’s RoundUp,  new  super weeds have evolved that require a new super herbicide.  Dow Chemical, right up there with Monsanto’s urge to help humanity, has developed the perfect one. Super weeds are something like super bugs that have become resistant to antibiotics. Only instead of antibiotics, super weeds have become resistant to herbicides, the baddest being Monsanto’s RoundUp.   Mother nature has a way of getting back at us when we screw with her.  Who can blame her? Dow’s “Enlist Duo®” The EPA is deciding right now whether to allow...
  • Want to Feel Better? Stop Eating GMO Foods

    Want to Feel Better? Stop Eating GMO Foods
    Did you know that  some (or all) of your adverse health conditions may be due to eating food that has been genetically altered?  Doctors are prescribing non-GMO diets to their patients resulting in remarkable recoveries. Are GMOs Really That Bad? Yes, GMOs are really that bad. Here is why. To create a genetically engineered food, foreign genetic material must be inserted into the plant. The GM crops on the market contain added genetic material from bacteria and viruses. This material has never been in the human diet before. Our bodies don’t just accept foreign material as...
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