• The Ugly Truth About Store Bought Raw Milk

    I am a city girl.  My knowledge of farms is almost non-existent. I have never been on one, and the only exposure I have had to farm animals has been at county fairs or children’s petting zoos.  I know that sounds pretty lame for someone who loves animals more than anything else on the planet. I am telling you the above, because I have to confess my ignorance about cows.  Even though I have a tremendous amount of information about food, nutritional supplements and everything in between, until recently, I was missing some very important information...
  • Beware of “AminoSweet”

    AminoSweet – The “Natural” Sweetener That Could Kill You There is a new “natural”  sweetener on the market that isn’t really new, or for that matter, natural.  It is called AminoSweet.  And while the name sounds innocent enough, it is anything but sweet.  Using this “natural” sweetener could have a very bitter end. AminoSweet is the new name for the poisonous aspartame.  Poor old aspartame.  Nobody loves it anymore.  Maybe because America has woken up to the fact that aspartame is linked to cancer, seizures, heart palpitations, weight gain and numerous other dangerous conditions? Aspartame Was...
  • Are Mandatory Vaccinations Coming?

    Will Ebola Be the Excuse for Mandatory Vaccinations? For years I have watched the ruling elite destroy the health of mankind. One of my greatest fears used to be that one day a crisis would be manufactured that would usher in the day  of mandatory vaccinations.  Is the Ebola crisis  the excuse the government will use to implement this? It is no secret that vaccinations have (are) been used for nefarious purposes.  For decades women in undeveloped nations have been given vaccinations with ingredients that cause sterilization.  Even Bill Gates admits it.  Vaccinations are also used by the...
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