• Weird Animal Products in Food

    Fish Bladders in Your Wine Anyone? Whether you are a vegan or not, some of the ingredients that are being added to everyday foods just isn’t right. Did you know that fine wines, and even some beers, contain fish bladder membranes?  I have to admit, this is the first time I have ever been glad I drink cheap wine, ha ha. Apparently the fish bladder membranes are used to make isinglass, a type of gelatin used in fine wine making. Duck Feathers and Human Hair in Bread There are definitely a lot of weird animal products...
  • The Massacre of Bees

    Canadian Bee Keepers Sue Pesticide Manufacturers Earlier this month, Canadian beekeepers filed a class-action lawsuit against two pesticide manufacturers in the Ontario Supreme Court. Dozens of beekeepers are joining forces and seeking $400 million in damages for the devastation on bee colonies caused by neonicotinoid pesticides. What Are Neonicotinoid Pesticides? The class of pesticides called “neonicotinoids” are applied to seeds prior to planting.  The chemicals coat the plant, making the entire thing poisonous.  This means that birds or insects that visit the plant for nectar or pollen are poisoned.  These deadly pesticides don’t just kill certain...
  • Can EMF Radiation Cause ADHD in Children?

    Is Electrical Pollution Affecting Your Child? Is it me, or does it seem like every other child is being diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) these days?  Some of the signs of this “disease” are trouble concentrating, overly active and easily distracted.  Even though those signs don’t sound very abnormal to me, (or I would have been drugged at age 3 in the 1950’s),  there does appear to be some sort of abnormal condition affecting  many children and their ability to learn.  The “why” for this “condition” (it is not a disease), may be right in your...
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